North American Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw: 61 Captivating Designs for Moose, Bear, Eagles, Deer and More (Fox Chapel Publishing) Ready-to-Cut Patterns from Lora Irish for Fretwork or Relief

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Bring North American animals to life on your scroll saw! 61 precisely drawn patterns from Lora S. Irish, including: Bears Bobcats Buffalo Geese Deer Ducks Eagles Flamingo Fox Horses Moose Owls Lions Sheep Raccoons Squirrels Wolves Turkeys ...and many more! North American animals will come to life with the exciting scrolling patterns found in this book! Acclaimed artist Lora S. Irish provides 61 precisely drawn patterns for everything from squirrels, raccoons, and rabbits to moose, cougars, and rams. Choose from captivating ready-to-cut patterns, each drawn with crisp, easy-to-follow lines. With just a little wood, a pattern, and a scroll saw, any woodworker can bring the wonderful animals that share our world to life on boxes, corner brackets, and wall décor. The simple silhouette style of the scroll saw pattern is excellent for reflecting the flowing lines of muscles and fur: Feathers can be delineated to give birds and eagles flight. Ears can be tilted forward or laid back to give wolves and deer expression. Full scenes with habitat areas, animals, and a background of mountains and sky all can be created from one continuous piece of wood. North America offers a wide variety of animal life to use in this beautiful art form. Pesky raccoons can hide in the hollow of the old tree and the graceful elongated stalk of the mountain lion can be captured against the rocky ledge. Somewhere within the pages of North American Wildlife Patterns, you will find your favorite North American animal. Those animals and birds that are so popular in today's art—such as the whitetail deer, the black bear, the pheasant, and many others—can be found in several different patterns to provide a wide variety of choices that spur your creative ideas. These patterns were each created to easily be used individually or added to corner brackets, weathervane arrows, and framed edges. Use your imagination as you browse through the pattern pages—as well as the included gallery of finished works—for the numerous adaptations you could add to make each work a unique piece of art all your own. But most of all, have fun as you use these patterns in your own scroll saw designs! - from Amzon 
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